last modified: 15 February, 2019
This is a set of functions designed to identify founding females in a pedigree, extracting their maternal lineages and plotting these sub-pedigrees. The driving force behind the development of this piece of work was to track mitochondrial inheritence patterns, but with some additional tweaks it could have many other uses.
Here is an example pedigree diagram (from the Norfolk Island population) showing founding Polynesian maternal lineages in colour. source: Benton et al., 2015. ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’: The Genetic History of Norfolk Island reveals extreme gender biased admixture
The idea behind the image is clear, however it is rather difficult to easily visualise the separate lineages. Hence I developed the following approach in R using a combination of existing packages and some custom functions. Using the below we now have the ability to:
# load packages
# load data
# load pedigree
niped <- read.table('NI_UUID_pedigree.ped', head = F)
# add colnames for ease of use
colnames(niped) <- c('FID', 'IID', 'PID', 'MID', 'SEX', 'PHENO')
The pedigree is contained in a .ped (pedigree), very similar to the plink file format of the same name. Here is the head of the pedigree file once loaded into R, it has 6 columns:
# head of the pedigree
## 1 1 110630 790 800 2 -9
## 2 1 110850 111740 333130 2 -9
## 3 1 111280 933 59 2 -9
## 4 1 111830 169270 400523 2 -9
## 5 1 310881 0 0 2 -9
## 6 1 343481 1716 319731 2 -9
Here is a breakdown of the columns:
# define unique mothers
get_mothers <- function(pedigree) {
pedigree %>%
filter(SEX == 2) %>%
select(MID) %>%
unique %>%
filter(. > 0) %>%
as.matrix %>%
# get list of all mothers in pedigree
mothers <- get_mothers(pedigree = niped)
# function to trace a 'founding' mother
trace_mother <- function(pedigree, motherID) {
results <- NULL
x <- motherID
while (x != 0) {
z <- x
x <- pedigree %>%
filter(IID == x) %>%
select(MID) %>%
results <- rbind(results, data.frame(IID = z, MID = x))
results <- results[dim(results)[1]:1,]
We can apply the trace_mother()
function on a single sample:
# single use of the function, direct maternal line back to founder from a single female
trace_mother(pedigree = niped, motherID = '400440')
## 10 691 0
## 9 34 691
## 8 253 34
## 7 449 253
## 6 453 449
## 5 342 453
## 4 345 342
## 3 400523 345
## 2 111830 400523
## 1 400440 111830
Probably more useful, however, is the ability to run this across all mothers within a pedigree:
# apply across all mothers and get lists tracing back to 'founding' individuals
mother_lists <- lapply(mothers, trace_mother, pedigree = niped)
# get all unique maternal founders
founding_mothers <- function(mother_lists) {
sapply(mother_lists, '[[',1) %>%
sapply(., '[[',1) %>%
unique %>%
as.numeric %>%
# use the above function to get a sorted vector of founding mothers
mt_founders <- founding_mothers(mother_lists = mother_lists)
# identify the mothers with largest maternal lines
maternal_freq <- function(mother_list, frequency, plot = FALSE) {
# generate freq table
results <-
sapply(mother_list, '[[',1) %>%
sapply(., '[[',1) %>% %>%
rename(., Maternal_ID = 1) %>%
mutate_at(1, as.character) %>%
plyr::count() %>%
arrange(-freq) %>%
filter(freq >= frequency)
# plot if required
if(plot == TRUE) {
return(list(results, barplot(results$freq, names.arg = results$Maternal_ID, main = 'most frequent maternal founders',
xlab = 'Maternal ID', ylab = 'Freq', las = 2, col = 'cadetblue')))
} else {
This function in practice:
# provide a threshold and create a table of maternal frequencies
maternal_freq(mother_list = mother_lists, frequency = 3)
## Maternal_ID freq
## 1 691 115
## 2 694 58
## 3 242 26
## 4 13 8
## 5 1597 8
## 6 490 7
## 7 522 6
## 8 1878 5
## 9 23 5
## 10 208 4
## 11 2212 4
## 12 3018 4
## 13 219 3
## 14 2462 3
…and with a plot:
# create plot if required
maternal_freq(mother_list = mother_lists, frequency = 5, plot = T)
# starting with a MID trace all maternal descendents
trace_maternal_line <- function(pedigree, motherID) {
x <- motherID
results <- list(as.numeric(x)) # add founding mother as first entry in list
counter <- 1
while (length(x) > 0) {
counter <- counter + 1
# x <- pedigree[pedigree$MID %in% x & pedigree$SEX == 2,]$IID # this will pull only female offspring of the searched mother
x <- niped[niped$MID %in% x,]$IID # this will pull all offspring
results[[counter]] <- x
# remove empty entry and return results
# examples
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '691') # red in pedigree plot
## [[1]]
## [1] 691
## [[2]]
## [1] 34 532 692 696
## [[3]]
## [1] 31 32 251 252 253 255 256 326 533 535 536 537 2111
## [[4]]
## [1] 22 147 148 150 151 157 176 249 250 279 335 426 449 472
## [15] 541 542 543 626 627 629 630 635 643 644 710 1030 1031 1032
## [29] 1033 1039 1040 1162 1674 2064 2113 2114 2115 2116 2119 2131 2132 2133
## [43] 2135
## [[5]]
## [1] 56 57 161 163 286 315 341 376 408 412 414 427 429 430
## [15] 434 435 441 450 451 452 453 454 456 475 481 651 711 713
## [29] 716 718 727 777 780 782 821 822 824 911 912 917 973 1041
## [43] 1079 1081 1128 1163 1164 1167 1170 1172 1598 1894 1902 1917 2124 2125
## [57] 2127 2222 2345 2354 2358 2360 2417 2420 5044 5082 5092
## [[6]]
## [1] 168050 255670 400093 125660 320320 317710 46 59 60 61
## [11] 62 199 316 318 342 377 391 482 496 519
## [21] 520 655 719 721 722 730 731 732 826 829
## [31] 859 860 896 934 946 968 974 1087 1106 1108
## [41] 1129 1130 1131 1132 1175 1179 1181 1196 1270 1298
## [51] 1431 1437 1438 1522 1600 1604 1606 1611 1614 1644
## [61] 1645 1646 1661 1877 1896 1904 1906 1910 1918 2009
## [71] 2228 2288 2427 2574 2575 2578 2579 2580 2656 3158
## [81] 3362 4050 4886
## [[7]]
## [1] 111280 111890 111990 110820 320620 124670 362060 125580 328820 315981
## [11] 400107 400389 330050 311760 168180 316910 311360 211340 217310 212910
## [21] 245120 400096 400226 400301 400370 400519 400520 63 400012 320
## [31] 344 345 346 656 723 897 935 400115 1091 1115
## [41] 1134 1198 1230 1263 1321 1322 1323 1324 1524 1542
## [51] 1615 1659 1664 1667 1669 1672 1720 1721 1747 1781
## [61] 1846 1849 1852 1925 1953 2017 2430 2445 400087 2602
## [71] 2603 2618 2621 2623 2757 2760 2911 2992 2994 2997
## [81] 4881 5310
## [[8]]
## [1] 317801 331100 111460 314210 336510 310601 310121 322861 310711 124480
## [11] 311160 336600 366851 228260 271360 255711 400024 400070 400162 400232
## [21] 400381 400523 216261 400785 311700 110550 310820 320450 344870 343430
## [31] 125270 312370 316320 312930 317650 169020 310040 169270 232420 228350
## [41] 215590 212390 400011 400305 400643 400671 354 503 1005 1547
## [51] 1576 1616 1802 1851 1853 1926 1927 400726 2667 4865
## [[9]]
## [1] 111830 317941 110500 111770 312801 125900 136150 375731 332031 311071
## [11] 214050 216640 400310 400315 320490 312590 314200 219560 267620 228151
## [21] 227220 400194 400341 400554 400646 400660 400672 400765 400659 400317
## [[10]]
## [1] 111800 217943 212804 400208 400440 400441 269400
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '242') # darkblue in pedigree plot
## [[1]]
## [1] 242
## [[2]]
## [1] 244 245 246 247 248 528
## [[3]]
## [1] 258 259 261 262 267 425 446 447 448 2150
## [[4]]
## [1] 190 328 333 334 458 459 470 1063 2186 2188 2193 2431 2741
## [[5]]
## [1] 193 194 195 198 488 868 873 875 1054 1067 1271 2434 2694 2840
## [15] 2843 2845 4949
## [[6]]
## [1] 344050 168720 400311 478 479 783 1071 1117 1187 1188
## [11] 1189 1190 3047 4870
## [[7]]
## [1] 356930 111090 250921 400634 400399 1118
## [[8]]
## [1] 400644 327200 400619
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '522') # lightblue in pedigree plot
## [[1]]
## [1] 522
## [[2]]
## [1] 523 524 525
## [[3]]
## [1] 424 2106 2109
## [[4]]
## [1] 2155 2156 4980
## [[5]]
## [1] 4888 4951 4987
## [[6]]
## [1] 4871 4877
## [[7]]
## [1] 4864
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '1597')
## [[1]]
## [1] 1597
## [[2]]
## [1] 288 2334 2335
## [[3]]
## [1] 289 291 2749 2750 2752 3055
## [[4]]
## [1] 301001 400521 400543 307 308 878 1223 1125
## [[5]]
## [1] 301008 400470 334380 316400 301007 125140 313570 400104
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '13')
## [[1]]
## [1] 13
## [[2]]
## [1] 364020 312960 125850 168790 9 15 17 19 20
## [[3]]
## [1] 333760 333130 212771 213991 319420 345601 316160 316960 219390 112
## [11] 213992
## [[4]]
## [1] 110850 338630 400516 400263 400512
# count female decendents
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '691') %>% unlist %>% length
## [1] 390
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '694') %>% unlist %>% length
## [1] 167
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '242') %>% unlist %>% length
## [1] 70
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '13') %>% unlist %>% length
## [1] 26
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '1597') %>% unlist %>% length
## [1] 26
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '490') %>% unlist %>% length
## [1] 22
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '522') %>% unlist %>% length
## [1] 16
trace_maternal_line(pedigree = niped, motherID = '1954') %>% unlist %>% length
## [1] 4
# create sub-pedigrees of mt lineages
# need kinship2 and pedigree for this function
# I will work on building in package checking later
split_maternal_ped <- function(pedigree, motherID) {
# determine 'affecteds'
search_IDs <- trace_maternal_line(pedigree = pedigree, motherID = motherID) %>% unlist
# pedigree splitting
ped <- data.frame(pedigree$IID, pedigree$PID, pedigree$MID)
(ord <- orderPed(ped))
ped <- ped[order(ord),]
# trim out only 'affecteds' - all female descendants of a given founder
yn <- trimPed(ped, data = (ped$pedigree.IID %in% search_IDs), ngenback = 0)
ped <- ped[yn,]
colnames(ped) <- c('IID', 'PID', 'MID')
ped <- merge(ped, pedigree, by = c('IID', 'PID', 'MID'), sort = F)
# get dad ids
dad.ids <-
ped %>%
filter(PID > 0) %>%
select(PID) %>%
unlist %>%
# check if any of these are already in ped, if so remove
dad.ids <- dad.ids[!(dad.ids %in% ped$IID)]
# grab father information and set thier PID and MID to 0 for plotting purposes
res.out <- pedigree %>% filter(IID %in% dad.ids)
res.out$PID = 0
res.out$MID = 0
# add father information back into the ped
ped <- rbind(res.out, ped)
# create a pedigree to plot using kinship2 function
test.ped <- pedigree(id = ped$IID, dadid = ped$PID, momid = ped$MID, sex = ped$SEX)
# plotting
return(list(plot.pedigree(test.ped, affected = ped$SEX, cex = 0.8, symbolsize = 0.8, width = 40, align = T), ped[-6]))
A few tests of the above:
# split out the given maternal lineage and create a pedigree diagram
split_maternal_ped(pedigree = niped, motherID = '490')
# split out the given maternal lineage and create a pedigree diagram
split_maternal_ped(pedigree = niped, motherID = '1597')
# split out the given maternal lineage and create a pedigree diagram
split_maternal_ped(pedigree = niped, motherID = '13')
# split out the given maternal lineage and create a pedigree diagram
split_maternal_ped(pedigree = niped, motherID = '242')
# split out the given maternal lineage and create a pedigree diagram
split_maternal_ped(pedigree = niped, motherID = '694')
# get pedigree object
ped_test <- split_maternal_ped(pedigree = niped, motherID = '13')
# get number of generations (maternal founder is set to 1)
ped_data <- data.frame(ped_test[[2]], generation = ped_test[[1]]$y)
# create the maternal founder transmission index (number of transmissions from maternal founder to given individual)
ped_data$M0_trans <- ped_data$generation - 1
# filter out new founders that aren't original founders
origFounders <- ped_data %>% filter(M0_trans == 0) # get original founders
foundersRemoved <- ped_data %>% filter(PID > 0 & MID > 0) # filter 'new' founders
ped_data <- rbind(origFounders, foundersRemoved) # recreate ped_data
# now all you need to do is add the `M0_trans` from 2 individuals to get the number of transmissons between them
I1 <- "338630"
I2 <- "400512"
# the below will give number of transmissions between the 2
ped_data[ped_data$IID == I1,]$M0_trans + ped_data[ped_data$IID == I2,]$M0_trans
## [1] 6
The above will allow you to explore transmission between a pair of samples defined by the user. If you want to batch process this through all possible pairs in a given pedigree it would look something like this:
# create vector of all ids for selected pedigree
idList <- sort(ped_data$IID)
# create an object of all possible pairwise comparisons
pedPairs <- t(combn(idList, 2))
# create a new matrix of the appropriate dimensions and fill with pairs
# these people don't provie any meaningful maternal information
transMatrix <- matrix(nrow = nrow(pedPairs), ncol = 3)
transMatrix[ , 1] <- pedPairs[ , 1]
transMatrix[ , 2] <- pedPairs[ , 2]
# provide colnames to the matrix
colnames(transMatrix) <- c("ID1", "ID2", "number_of_trans")
# run across all pairs in the above object and fill the 3rd columns of the matrix with
# the number of transmissions between the pair of samples
for (pair in 1:nrow(pedPairs)) {
# define the pair
I1 <- pedPairs[pair, 1]
I2 <- pedPairs[pair, 2]
# get the number of transmissions and assign to the correct position in the created matrix
transMatrix[ pair , 3] <- ped_data[ped_data$IID == I1,]$M0_trans + ped_data[ped_data$IID == I2,]$M0_trans
# convert to dataframe
transMatrix <-
# look at random sample of data
sample_n(transMatrix, 10) # sample_n assumes use of dplyr
## ID1 ID2 number_of_trans
## 286 312960 316160 3
## 82 15 168790 2
## 347 364020 400512 4
## 323 319420 400516 5
## 310 316960 338630 5
## 164 112 168790 3
## 77 15 19 2
## 348 364020 400516 4
## 114 17 333760 3
## 202 125850 213992 3
The above example was run on a small sub-pedigree containing 351 total pairs, it completed in less than a second. Obviously as the number of pairs increases it will take longer. It’s not best practice to use for loops but this was a very quick solution to the problem at hand and it appears to be working well enough for now. Could look into using something like apply
in the future if required.
NOTE: in the above, the code was exploring the number of transmissions via the founding maternal pedigree member. This isn’t going to be of interest and doesn’t actually make a whole lot of sense. What is more interesting is the number of transmissions between a pair of samples to their most recent commom maternal ancestor. This is a bit trickier to implement, but the below code will do this.
First, we need a function to find the most recent common maternal ancestor (mrcma
) for a given pair of samples:
# return mrcma for a given pair
# TODO: optimise this!!
recentCommonMaternal <- function(individual1, individual2) {
# create lists of maternal relatives
lineage1 <- as.character(trace_mother(pedigree = niped, motherID = individual1)[[1]])
lineage2 <- as.character(trace_mother(pedigree = niped, motherID = individual2)[[1]])
# find most recent common maternal ancestor
lineage1[lineage1 %in% lineage2] %>% tail(., n=1)
We can then use the above function to add the information (mrcma
) to an object alongside the ids of the pairs of individuals that share that mrcma
. We can then calculate the number of transmissions between them using this equation:
( individual 1 generation - mrcma generation ) + ( individual 2 generation - mrcma generation )
All this information can be then store into a single object, which has 5 columns: maternalFounder | ind1 | ind2 | mrcma | mrcma_transmissions
Here is the code (this runs for all pairs of a given maternal founder):
# create a function to take maternal ID and generate transmission data for pairs of samples
calc_maternalTrans <- function(maternalFounder) {
# get pedigree object
ped_test <- split_maternal_ped(pedigree = niped, motherID = maternalFounder)
# get number of generations (maternal founder is set to 1)
ped_data <- data.frame(ped_test[[2]], generation = ped_test[[1]]$y)
# create the maternal founder transmission index (number of transmissions from maternal founder to given individual)
ped_data$M0_trans <- ped_data$generation - 1
# filter out new founders that aren't original founders
origFounders <- ped_data %>% filter(M0_trans == 0 & SEX == 2) # get original founders
foundersRemoved <- ped_data %>% filter(PID > 0 & MID > 0) # filter 'new' founders
ped_data <- rbind(origFounders, foundersRemoved) # recreate ped_data
# create vector of all ids for selected pedigree
idList <- sort(ped_data$IID)
# create an object of all possible pairwise comparisons
pedPairs <- t(combn(idList, 2))
# convert to data frame
# this will slow things down, but can look to optimise later
# TODO: optimise this!!
pedPairs <-
# add column names for the individuals in a pair
colnames(pedPairs) <- c("ind1", "ind2")
# create column for most recent common maternal ancestor (mrcma)
pedPairs$mrcma <- NA
# create column for number of transmissions
pedPairs$mrcma_transmissions <- NA
# create a column to store the founder of the given maternal sub-pedigree
pedPairs$maternalFounder <- maternalFounder
# for loop
# TODO: optimise this!!!!
for (i in c(1:nrow(pedPairs))) {
# get the most recent common maternal ancestor (not the original founding maternal ancestor)
pedPairs$mrcma[i] <- recentCommonMaternal(individual1 = pedPairs[i,1], individual2 = pedPairs[i,2])
# grab the generation of each of the 3 different individuals
ind1Gen <- ped_data[ped_data$IID == pedPairs[i,1],]$generation
ind2Gen <- ped_data[ped_data$IID == pedPairs[i,2],]$generation
mrcmaGen <- ped_data[ped_data$IID == pedPairs[i,3],]$generation
# the equation then becomes:
# ( individual 1 generation - mrcma generation ) + ( individual 2 generation - mrcma generation )
pedPairs$mrcma_transmissions[i] <- (ind1Gen - mrcmaGen) + (ind2Gen - mrcmaGen)
# return object (reordered with founder as first column)
return(pedPairs <- pedPairs[c(5,1:4)])
# test function
maternalTest <- calc_maternalTrans(13)
# look at random sample of data
sample_n(maternalTest, 10) # sample_n assumes use of dplyr
## maternalFounder ind1 ind2 mrcma mrcma_transmissions
## 27 13 13 17 13 1
## 108 13 19 333130 13 3
## 190 13 168790 212771 13 3
## 49 13 13 400516 13 3
## 318 13 345601 400512 15 3
## 156 13 110850 168790 13 4
## 74 13 17 20 13 2
## 271 13 316160 316960 13 4
## 235 13 213992 219390 13 4
## 200 13 168790 338630 13 4
We can now batch through a list of maternal founders to calculate all pairwise maternal transmissions and return these as an object (the next bit of code takes a while to run).
# list of maternal IDs
maternal_IDs <- c(13, 1597, 691, 694, 242, 490, 522)
# if you want to use lapply and wrangle back into dataframe
maternalTransmissions <- lapply(maternal_IDs, calc_maternalTrans) %>%, .)
# ouput to file
write.csv(maternalTransmissions, "NI_maternalTransmissions_20190215.csv", row.names = F, quote = F)
# look at random sample
sample_n(maternalTransmissions, 10)
## maternalFounder ind1 ind2 mrcma mrcma_transmissions
## 19703 691 434 1896 426 4
## 21705 691 452 1902 253 5
## 13866 691 335 2228 34 6
## 60379 691 1918 400381 253 8
## 37237 691 824 1644 536 7
## 68830 691 4886 322861 34 10
## 4645 691 62 1298 691 10
## 89449 694 168830 362911 695 10
## 35088 691 730 217943 691 14
## 61806 691 2113 2127 2113 2
Note: there is a fair bit of omtimising to be done in the above code. It is going to run quite slowly on any of the larger maternal pedigrees. It is only something that needs to be run once though and the object can be output to a file. Please be patient if you are running on a lot of large pedigrees. :)
We can now look at the breakdown of statistics across this transmission object:
# number of maternal transmissions per founder
## 13 242 490 522 691 694 1597
## 325 2415 231 120 75855 13861 325
# or a plot
barplot(table(maternalTransmissions$maternalFounder), xlab = "maternal founder", ylab = "total number of maternal transmissions")
# number of total transmissions broken down into category
## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
## 1 692 1483 2589 4152 6120 8113 9837 10752 11120 10609 9320
## 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
## 7358 5163 3188 1635 697 237 57 9
# or a plot
barplot(table(maternalTransmissions$mrcma_transmissions), xlab = "number of transmissions (mrcma)", ylab = "freq")
We can now create a unique ‘key’ by combining the three different ids and then this can be used to pull out information from pairs of interest:
# create a unique id based on the 3 different ids
maternalTransmissions$UUID <- with(maternalTransmissions, paste0(maternalFounder, ind1, ind2))
# take a random sample of these unique ids
testID <- sample(maternalTransmissions$UUID, 50)
# subset these from the larger data
maternalTransmissions[maternalTransmissions$UUID %in% testID,]
## maternalFounder ind1 ind2 mrcma mrcma_transmissions
## 4617 691 62 1041 691 9
## 5711 691 148 718 532 5
## 5744 691 148 1032 532 4
## 6705 691 151 322861 691 10
## 6851 691 157 860 532 7
## 9769 691 252 643 34 3
## 11138 691 256 400208 34 9
## 12032 691 315 1611 253 5
## 14681 691 342 328820 691 11
## 18405 691 426 2997 691 9
## 23871 691 482 630 34 6
## 28810 691 629 124480 253 6
## 30511 691 655 1164 34 7
## 32668 691 713 1927 691 11
## 34839 691 727 320620 691 10
## 35059 691 730 110550 176 7
## 35384 691 731 255711 691 12
## 36356 691 782 1131 691 9
## 38005 691 859 897 253 7
## 41001 691 973 1039 691 9
## 41308 691 974 1576 34 13
## 42469 691 1032 125580 537 6
## 44919 691 1108 1614 253 6
## 45372 691 1115 400643 253 10
## 47844 691 1170 1524 34 8
## 51469 691 1431 315981 253 7
## 52218 691 1524 1721 691 12
## 52909 691 1576 2135 34 9
## 53334 691 1600 2124 34 7
## 56061 691 1667 2580 253 7
## 57121 691 1721 269400 691 15
## 62689 691 2124 5092 2111 4
## 63454 691 2132 400523 34 8
## 64056 691 2228 331100 34 10
## 64343 691 2345 310820 2345 3
## 64849 691 2360 400162 34 9
## 66946 691 2623 125580 691 14
## 71258 691 168050 212804 34 12
## 72002 691 212910 375731 691 15
## 72442 691 217310 316910 34 10
## 72674 691 219560 400672 34 15
## 72902 691 228260 400087 824 5
## 73909 691 310820 362060 34 11
## 74202 691 311700 400226 34 12
## 74888 691 317650 400310 691 16
## 84196 694 1595 2367 1595 2
## 85872 694 1708 311660 695 10
## 86324 694 1756 216304 1752 7
## 88506 694 3025 311020 694 10
## 88840 694 3219 169290 694 12
## 4617 691621041
## 5711 691148718
## 5744 6911481032
## 6705 691151322861
## 6851 691157860
## 9769 691252643
## 11138 691256400208
## 12032 6913151611
## 14681 691342328820
## 18405 6914262997
## 23871 691482630
## 28810 691629124480
## 30511 6916551164
## 32668 6917131927
## 34839 691727320620
## 35059 691730110550
## 35384 691731255711
## 36356 6917821131
## 38005 691859897
## 41001 6919731039
## 41308 6919741576
## 42469 6911032125580
## 44919 69111081614
## 45372 6911115400643
## 47844 69111701524
## 51469 6911431315981
## 52218 69115241721
## 52909 69115762135
## 53334 69116002124
## 56061 69116672580
## 57121 6911721269400
## 62689 69121245092
## 63454 6912132400523
## 64056 6912228331100
## 64343 6912345310820
## 64849 6912360400162
## 66946 6912623125580
## 71258 691168050212804
## 72002 691212910375731
## 72442 691217310316910
## 72674 691219560400672
## 72902 691228260400087
## 73909 691310820362060
## 74202 691311700400226
## 74888 691317650400310
## 84196 69415952367
## 85872 6941708311660
## 86324 6941756216304
## 88506 6943025311020
## 88840 6943219169290
Where I have taken a random sample of unique ids you can load in your own from something like a text or excel file.