class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # .large[Harnessing the disruptive nature of portable sequencing for community empowerment] ###
Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR)
(Victoria University of Wellington), 10
February 2021]
Miles Benton
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What we 'see' when DNA passes through the pores. --- layout: false class: middle # GPUs make a big difference <img src="images/gpu_magic.jpg" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.5em; border: 3px solid white;"/> --- class: middle # Let's step back a couple of years .pull.right[ .large[<span style="color:#3498DB">... **a personal story** ...</span>] ] --- class: middle <p> .center[ <img src="images/jamie_sm.jpg" style="width: 330px; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.5em; border: 3px solid white;"/> <img src="images/jamie_big.jpg" style="width: 334px; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.5em; border: 3px solid white;"/> ] </p> --- class: top # what are we doing? .large[ Portable ‘real-time’ sequencing for the masses ] -- * <span style="color:#3498DB">**the idea**</span> * low cost (< many mobile phones) * accessible * portable * robust (...may have "performed" a drop test...) * fun! -- * <span style="color:#3498DB">**example use cases**</span> * field sequencing (real-time monitoring, forensics, agriculture, waterways, ...) * clinical settings * community outreach / teaching -- .center[ Community Science | "United in Data" -> <span style="color:#3498DB">**"LEVEL UP"**</span> ] --- class: middle # Our experiences with the Xavier [(link)]( .pull-left[.right[ <img src="images/IMG_20191021_165639.jpg" style="width: 200px;"/> <img src="images/IMG_20191025_094614.jpg" style="width: 200px;"/> ]] .pull-right[.left[ <img src="images/battery_charge.jpg" style="width: 200px;"/> <img src="images/xavier_in_use.jpg" style="width: 200px;"/> ]] .center[ <img src="images/jetson_xavier_jtop_screenshot.png" style="width: 650px;"/> ] ??? Talk about the Xavier specs: * 8 core arm * 16 GB of RAM * 512 CUDA core and 64 tensor cores * 512 GB SSD NVMe --- class: middle # Community engagement leading to empowerment .pull.right[ <span style="color:#3498DB">... **a few stories of the journey** ...</span> ] --- # So how about unlocking it for everyone? .center[ <img src="images/JB_twitterprofile.png" style="width: 60%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1em;"/> ] --- # The unboxing and a slight snag <article class="cf"> <div class="fl w-50 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/geforce2070_JB.png" style="width: 65%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0em;"/> </div> <div class="fl w-50 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/six_pin_plugs.png" style="width: 64%; margin-right: 63%; margin-top: 0em;"/> </div> </article> --- # Success <article class="cf"> <div class="fl w-50 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/duct_tape.png" style="width: 65%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0em;"/> </div> <div class="fl w-40 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/nvidia_smi.png" style="width: 70%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0em;"/> </div> <div class="fl w-40 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/guppy_2070.png" style="width: 70%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0em;"/> </div> </article> --- class: middle # A global cast of many * [***Kenya***] Jean-Bakka Domelevo Entfellner ([@JeanBakaDE]( * [***USA***] John Erb-Downward ([@Bombanat]( * [***Italy***] Luigi Faino ([@lfaino]( * [***Switzerland***] Jürgen Hench * [***USA***] Nvidia Clara Team ([Clara AGX site]( <br > .center[You can follow the story here: [GitHub Gist - Xavier basecalling notes](] --- # ~~The future...~~ .center[ <img src="images/jetson_family.jpg" style="width: 45%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0em;"/> ] .center[ <img src="images/nvidia_tegra.jpg" style="width: 40%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0em;"/> ] --- # ~~The (not so distant) future...~~ <article class="cf"> <div class="fl w-50 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/xaviernx_seqkit.jpg" style="width: 97%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0.5em;"/> </div> <div class="fl w-50 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/xaviernx_compact_seqkit.jpg" style="width: 97%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0.5em;"/> </div> </article> .center[ <img src="images/nvidia_tegra.jpg" style="width: 40%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.65em;"/> ] --- class: hide_logo # The present! <article class="cf"> <div class="fl w-100 w-33-m w-50-l pa1"> <a class="db aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--1x1"> <span role="img" style="background-image:url(images/xavier-ont.gif);" class="bg-center cover aspect-ratio--object"></span> </a> </div> <div class="fl w-50 w-33-m w-25-l pa1"> <a class="db aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--1x1"> <span role="img" style="background-image:url(images/xavnx_board.jpg);" class="bg-center cover aspect-ratio--object"></span> </a> </div> <div class="fl w-50 w-33-m w-25-l pa1"> <a class="db aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--1x1"> <span role="img" style="background-image:url(images/xavnx_screen.jpg);" class="bg-center cover aspect-ratio--object"></span> </a> </div> <div class="fl w-50 w-33-m w-25-l pa1"> <a class="db aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--1x1"> <span role="img" style="background-image:url(images/Matt_hand.jpg);" class="bg-center cover aspect-ratio--object"></span> </a> </div> <div class="fl w-50 w-33-m w-25-l pa1"> <a class="db aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--1x1"> <span role="img" style="background-image:url(images/full_kit.jpg);" class="bg-center cover aspect-ratio--object"></span> </a> </div> </article> --- layout: false class: hide_logo background-image: url("images/HeTangata.jpg") background-size: contain --- # Hot off the press! .center[ <img src="images/adaptive_sampling.jpeg" style="width: 85%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.65em;"/> <br /> © Oxford Nanopore Technologies ] .center[ <br /> Jürgen Hench, Basel, Switzerland ([cancer methylation sequencing]( ] --- # Hot off the press! <article class="cf"> <div class="fl w-50 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/xavnx_phone.png" style="width: 45%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0.5em;"/> </div> <div class="fl w-50 bg-white tc"> <img src="images/minknowui.jpg" style="width: 97%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 0.5em;"/> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b>Can now control all of this from our pockets!</b> <br> <br> Available now on <a href="" target="blank">Android</a> and <a href="" target="blank">iOS</a> </div> </article> --- ## Our experiences with the Jeston Xaviers .small[ #### Article in the NZ Herald * The Genius of Genomics ([link]( * Story also on ESR website ([link]( #### Jetson Nanopore Sequencing * [A place to collate notes and resources of our journey into porting nanopore sequencing over to accessible, portable technology]( * up to date information, including parts list and set up guide #### eResearch 2020 presentation * [Assessing the potential of ~~autonomous AI devices~~ cool tech for portable real-time sequencing]( * live base-calling and presentation run from the Xavier #### Xavier AGX setup and notes * [Xavier AGX unboxing and setup]( #### Xavier base-calling benchmarking and notes * [Xavier benchmarking]( ] --- # If you're interested in GPUs and genomics... .center[ <img src="images/gpu_musing_tweet.png" style="width: 45%; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.65em;"/> <br /> [GPU musings (with an eye on genomics)]( ] --- class: top # acknowledgements <div class="dt dt--fixed"> <div class="dtc tc pv4 bg-white"> <article class="mw5 center bg-white br3 pa3 pa4-ns mv3 ba b--black-10"> <div class="tc"> <img src="images/Matt_sm.png" class="br-100 h4 w4 dib ba b--black-05 pa2" title="Photo of team member"> <h4 class="f3 mb2">Matt Storey</h4> <h4 class="f5 fw4 gray mt0">(ESR)</h4> </div> </article> </div> <div class="dtc tc pv4 bg-white"> <article class="mw5 center bg-white br3 pa3 pa4-ns mv3 ba b--black-10"> <div class="tc"> <img src="images/Joep.jpg" class="br-100 h4 w4 dib ba b--black-05 pa2" title="Photo of team member"> <h4 class="f3 mb2">Joep de Ligt</h4> <h4 class="f5 fw4 gray mt0">(ESR)</h4> </div> </article> </div> <div class="dtc tc pv4 bg-white"> <article class="mw5 center bg-white br3 pa3 pa4-ns mv3 ba b--black-10"> <div class="tc"> <img src="images/Donia.png" class="br-100 h4 w4 dib ba b--black-05 pa2" title="Photo of team member"> <h4 class="f3 mb2">Donia Macartney-Coxson</h4> <h4 class="f5 fw4 gray mt0">(ESR)</h4> </div> </article> </div> </div> .pull-left[.medium[ **Georgia Bell** (ESR) Una Ren (ESR) Richard Dean (ESR) ]] .pull-right[.medium[ Matthew Walton (ESR) Shane Sturrock (ESR) Russell Smithies (ESR) ]] --- layout: false class: hide_logo background-image: url("images/TaiHuaRoa.jpg") background-size: contain