Miles Benton
Senior Scientist Bioinformatics
Human Genomics, Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR)
eResearch, Dunedin, 12
th - 14
th Feburary 2020]

class: middle
# .center[Advocate for reproducible research...]
## .center[Where possible my presentations and code are available online]
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<img src="images/github_logo.png" style="width: 520px; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.5em;"/>
<img src="images/sirselim_qrcode.png" style="width: 202px; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.5em;"/>
.center[twitter: [@miles_benton](]
These are my presenter notes. :)
The theme of eResearch 2020 is "**United in Data**".
These links throughout are a combination of github and hackMD, all should be available.
class: middle
<img src="">
Part of the Bioinformatics Leadership Team, for health.
class: middle
# GPU basecalling (live demo part 1)
data: mixed bacterial sample, ~0.5 Mb (or ~5.5 Gb actual data)
# fast basecalling mode
guppy_basecaller \
--disable_pings \ # don't call home
--compress_fastq \
-c dna_r9.4.1_450bps_fast.cfg \ # model file
-i fast5/ \ # input dir (fast5 files)
-s flongle_test \ # output dir
-x 'auto' \ # GPU configuration
--recursive \
--num_callers 4 \
--gpu_runners_per_device 8 \
--chunks_per_runner 256
.pull.right[<span style="color:#3498DB">... **que to start ~~trial by fire~~ the first demo** ...</span>]
class: middle
# while that's running...
Refer to Peter's opening address, reiterating that genomics is important and increasingly so.
Check to see audience knowledge of genetics/genomics.
A little genomics 101 if needed...
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.massive[**Genomic sequencing**]
DNA - A, T, C, G
Part of all 'living' things
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# what are we doing?
Portable ‘real-time’ sequencing for the masses?
* <span style="color:#3498DB">**the idea**</span>
* low cost
* accessible
* portable
* fun!
* <span style="color:#3498DB">**example use cases**</span>
* field sequencing (real-time monitoring, forensics, agriculture, waterways, ...)
* **clinical settings**
* community outreach / teaching
Community Science | "United in Data"
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<img src="" style="width: 820px; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.5em;"/>
(image source: [](
I used the word portable in my previous slide, this is not a phrase one would attribute to machines from Illumina / PacBio.
These things are huge! ... and expensive.
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<img src="" style="width: 620px; margin-right: 1%; margin-top: 1.5em;"/>
(image source: [nanoporetech](
flongle: ~$500 USD for 5
1 might be enough for a metagenome
minION: $1000
smidgION: still just a concept
gridION: ~$50K
promethION: ~$230K
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background-image: url("images/david_slide.png")
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<a href="" style="position:absolute; top:625px; left:190px">slide kindly supplied by David Eccles (f1000 presentation)</a>
<a href="" style="position:absolute; top:652px; left:190px">"Sequencing DNA with Linux Cores and Naopores"</a>
David's talk and a live demo are linked.
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class: middle
# Example squiggle plot

(image source: [tombo manual](
What we 'see' when DNA passes through the pores.
class: middle
# Why GPUs?
New type of sequencing data requires new type of 'analysis'
* squiggle data lends itself nicely to neural nets
* GPUs are very capable in this space
- CUDA cores
ESR GPU basecalling benchmarks [(link)](
* Titan RTX & 2x Tesla V100

[UPDATE:] guppy is now able to scale across multiple GPUs!
class: middle
# Our experiences with the Xavier [(link)](
<img src="images/IMG_20191021_165639.jpg" style="width: 200px;"/>
<img src="images/IMG_20191025_094614.jpg" style="width: 200px;"/>
<img src="images/battery_charge.jpg" style="width: 200px;"/>
<img src="images/xavier_in_use.jpg" style="width: 200px;"/>
<img src="images/jetson_xavier_jtop_screenshot.png" style="width: 650px;"/>
Talk about the Xavier specs:
* 8 core arm
* 16 GB of RAM
* 512 CUDA core and 64 tensor cores
* 512 GB SSD NVMe
class: top
# Benchmarking [(link)<sup>*</sup>](
\* spoilers for those following along live
Most Jetson devices have the ability to be put into different power modes